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    Berita Duka

    Kami segenap staf prodi S2 dan S3 Pascasarjana Ilkom Ugm turut berbelasungkawa atas berpulangnya alumni dari S2 dan S3 Ilmu Komputer UGM Bu Asti Dwi Irfianti Dr. Hj. Asti Dwi Irfianti, S.Kom, M.Kom dini hari ini. Yang akan dikebumikan minggu, 9 September 2018 di surabaya. Semoga almarhumah husnul khatimah dan diampuni segala dosa dan kesalahan beliau dan keluarga yang ditinggalkan diberikan keiklasan dan kesabaran. Aamiin.


    Workshop Penulisan Jurnal Internasional

    Bertempat di Aula MIPA UGM diselenggrakan Penulisan Jurnal International bersama Pak Khoirul Anwar, Ph.D

    Selamat siang Bapak Ibu Mahasiswa Doktoral FMIPA UGM

    Mengingatkan kembali.
    Workshop “Penulisan Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi”

    Narasumber Bapak Khoirul Anwar dari Telkom University.


    Hari Selasa besok.
    Tanggal 4 September 2018.
    Jam 08.00 sampai 16.00 WIB

    Di Auditorium FMIPA UGM.
    Dibawah Dekanat.

    Materi 1

    Materi 2

    Materi 3


    Workshop Penulisan Desertasi

    Proses studi S3 salah satu yang harus diselesaikan adalah menulis Desertasi, dalam rangka standarisasi format penulisan desertasi maka program S3 Doktor Ilmu Komputer menyelenggarakan Workshop penulisan Desertasi, berangsung 12 April 2018 di Auditorium MIPA UGM diikuti oleh 50 Mahasiswa Doktoral Ilkom UGM. Materi ada 2 sesion, sesi pertama Standar Penilaian dan sesi kedua standar penulisan desertasi oleh Bapak Agfianto.


    Monev Program Doktoral Ilkom 2018

    Dalam rangka membantu mahasiswa S3 Ilkom nntuk bisa lulus tepat waktu maka akan diselenggarakan Kegiatan Monev pada Tanggal  Februari 2018, mulai pukul 08.00 sd 16.00 WIB di Ruang ruang Riset, Gedung Pasca Lantai IV.


    Materi Workshop dan Sosialisasi RIRN dan ARN

    Materi Hari Pertama, 2 November 2017

    Kebijakan Karier Dosen (Prof. Bunyamin Maftuh)

    Publikasi Ilmiah dan Membangun  Karier Jabatan Akademik (Prof. Yanuarsyah Haroen)

    Peningkatan Kualitas Karya Ilmiah (Prof. Yanuarsyah Haroen)

    Pengukuran Kinerja (Imam Much Ibnu Subroto, Ph.D)

    SINTA – Research Visbility (Prof T. Herawan)


    Materi Hari Kedua, 3 November 2917

    Sosialisasi Implementasi RIRN dan ARN (Dr. Syafarudin)

    Kebijakan HKI & Pengelola Jurnal (Dr. Sadjuga)

    Strategi Peningkatkan Sitasi Artikel & H-Index: Perspektif editor & penulis (Deris, Ph.D)

    Indeksasi dan Strategi Sukses Akreditasi Nasional (Tole Sutikno, Ph.D)

    Optimalisasi E-Source  (Dr. Lukman, M.Hum)

    (Klik pada judul materi)

    Sumber : http://lppi.uad.ac.id/index.php/2017/11/02/materi-workshop-dan-sosialisasi-rirn-dan-arn/


    How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper

    How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper

    How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper, 8th Edition

    Barbara Gastel , By (author)  Robert A. Day



    Monev Program Doktor Ilkom UGM

    Setiap 4 vulan sekali diadakan monev, kali ini tanggal 29 Sepr 2017 Minev yang ke …. ada sedikit formasi monev. di awali dengan seminar diseminasi penelitian dalam rangka dies natalis MIPA UGM 2017.


    Training Penulisan Article Ilmiah Berbahasa Inggris


    Short Message Priority

    Mengumpulkan Bahan Tulisan

    Melakukan pengelompokkan tulisan

    melakukan penyusunan penulisan

    Bahasa VS. English

    What is different from writing in bahasa and in english ?

    Minset :

    • Active vs. Passive voice

    Mindset :

    Pulpen kamu jatuh. Bagimana kamu mengatakannya dalam bahasa Indonesia?

    Pulpen saya jatuh. Kesan tidak bertanggung jawab. Pulpen adalah benda mati

    In English : i Dropped my pen -> say menjatuhkan pulped (milk) say.


    Active VS. Passive Voice

    Kunci utama menulis dalam bhs ingris : SELALU GUNAKAN KALIMAT PASIF

    Tidak bertele-tele, bertanggung jawab


    Aku ditilang (oleh polisi).” (oleh polisi) tida ada pun tetap

    Police fined me.” Polisi menilang saya


    Zooming In


    Zooming Out

    Wide, normative



    Susunan kata2x yg disebut kalimat


    What are you eating ?

    dimulai dengan 5 w1H



    Learning Style Diagnostics: The Grasha-Riechmann Student Learning Styles Scale

    The Grasha-Riechmann Student Learning Styles Scale (GRSLSS) was developed to measure learning preferences of adults, undergraduate and above; it measures cognitive and affective behaviours of students instead of perceptual.

    The Grasha-Riechmann Student Learning Styles Scale


    Studies in learning styles initially developed as a result of interest in individual differences. These issues were very much in vogue within investigatory psychology during the 1960’s, enjoyed a continuing popularity during the early 1970’s but have unfortunately past from vogue since then due to our society’s changed focus or an evolution of professional interest. (Curry, 1983)
    Read More


    Learning styles are a myth infographic

    Back in May I wrote a post on learning styles, giving a general overview of some of the more commonly mentioned style of today. Naturally, this seemed to cause some angst among some readers who find learning styles to be essentially non-existent.

    Healthy debate in any industry is always a good thing. As such, today’s post includes an infographic that supports the theory that learning styles are essentially a myth.

    The infographic is courtesy of elearninglndustry.com, and it presents arguments from various studies that suggest that our understanding of learning styles is potentially flawed.

    Prior to my original post on this subject, I had no idea that this topic would elicit such rigorous feedback – each side seemingly digging their heals into the ground. The more I researched both sides of this debate, the more it began to resemble the divide we see in politics. Quite fascinating really.

    I suppose this is one of those endless back-and-forth issues. From my perspective, there will never be a winner, and nor does that really matter. It’s okay to view the learning industry through a different lens at times, even if to understand the various perspectives.

    Sure, if you are in the pro learning theory camp, then your courses may be driven by the way learning theories conceptualize knowledge comprehension. It certainly won’t make your courses any less effective. I would contend that your use of solid instructional design skills is more influential to your course design anyhow.

    Enjoy the infographic below – and if you feel so inclined, feel free to share your thoughts ?


    Justin Ferriman is the co-founder and CEO of LearnDash, the WordPress LMS trusted by Fortune 500 companies, major universities, training organizations, and entrepreneurs worldwide for creating (and selling) their online courses. Twitter | LinkedIn

    Sumber : https://www.learndash.com/learning-styles-are-a-myth-infographic/